IFS Online: Insurance & Financial Services News

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Ever wonder what the difference is between wishful thinking and a powerful energizing, dynamic, life changing goal? Wishful thinking seldom happens and SMART Goals almost always happen. As you plan for a Great 2008 here is how to get SMART.

The components of a SMART goal are:
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. In other words, SMART.

Here is how it works. One person says, "I would like to go on a two week cruise some day." This is wishful thinking and probably won’t happen.

The other person says, "I would like to go on a two week cruise in the Caribbean during the 2008 Spring Break. (Specific) I have a budget of $3,000 and a two week vacation. (Measurable and Attainable). The cheapest fares of the year are in September but I choose not to cruise during Hurricane Season (Realistic and Timely). "

Why not put this powerful formula to work for you in planning your professional education for 2008?
Specific: What type of courses will better enable you to serve your clients
Measurable: How many hours of CE are required or how many hours and dollars have you budgeted?
Attainable: Do you have the ability to access the course and will it fit in with your schedule?
Realistic: Can you do 10 parts of an advanced designation in 6 months? Probably not but what is realistic?
Timely: What are the coming trends that are impacting your clients? How can you be a leader in your field?
As you see, it’s simple and powerful. No computer or business consultant is needed! This concept works in family and personal planning as well as in business. So the next time you think, “Wouldn’t it be nice if ……………” just remember to get SMART. Put wings on your dreams and make it happen. Your friends at 360training want to help you Be great in ‘08!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy New Year from LearnInsurance.com

If you are an insurance, risk management or financial service professional your most important asset is YOU, that is your knowledge and skill.

Top performing companies in the financial services field invest about 5% of payroll into training and development of their employees. If you work for a company that pays for training why not double your investment and take 5% of your net income and designate these funds toward earning a recognized designation that will further your professional development.

We can help! LearnInsurance.com is constantly expanding to serve our valued clients. If you have an interest in earning a designation we can provide study materials or for many designations enroll you for the course of study. We invite you to click on this link and be taken directly to the designation section. http://www.learninsurance.com/designation-courses.cfm

Learners are Earners. Invest in yourself for a Great ‘08

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Getting Ready for a Successful 2008!

The Holiday Season often signals a slowdown in sales. Appointments are more difficult to obtain. Buying decisions are often postponed due to additional expenses for gifts and travel.

This is an ideal time for financial services professionals to retool and be ready for a “Great ‘08.”
• Analyze activity for the past year, look for trends, and plan for these patterns next year
• Set Annual, Quarterly and Weekly goals with measurable results
• Make a list of new ideas to help your business and incorporate as many as possible
• Who are your Top 20 customers? Why not send a special Thank You note to let them know how important they are to your business and how you appreciate serving their needs?

“Earners and Learners” – plan now to complete your educational requirements for the coming year and select topics that are relevant to your business. 360training is your educational partner and brings you current and effective training at the click of a mouse. Please go to http://www.learninsurance.com/ for all of your CE needs.